Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hot Weather Brings Progress At The Shop

Is it hot enough for you?? It's so crazy how it was such a cool, wet spring and now it's sweltering!!

Last week, it was so miserably hot, temps in the high 90's and heat index well above 110. Hubby choose to work at the shop, so we turned on the window air and fired up about 4 fans. They ended up getting most of my floor built up to the level of other parts. They also got my plumbing moved around so I can have a bathroom, yay!!!

We have the chance to buy another building, the man's just not quite ready to sell yet, but when he is, it's our. So this means, we are putting in a shower in the bathroom and a few other things, so we can turn my current shop into a studio apartment. It adds more work now...but it would be soooo much more work later on.

I snapped a few pics of the projects. They aren't very clear, but I'll try and keep the pics coming so you can see the progress!!

Stay cool!!

1 comment:

  1. Coming along~ but doesn't look like a fun job in the heat~ last night we had a break,but they say it will sky rocket again~ YIKES!I love summer but this is too hot for comfort!LOL I want 70 degrees~ lol~
